Vision and Mission


Eskişehir Osmangazi Faculty of Law has a vision to raise students who are able to identify, criticize and develop solutions to the problems of our age on the axis of justice and who are compatible with universal values and standards. In this respect, in its educational and vocational activities, it adopts methods that are compatible with a universal legal training, investigative and participatory, creative and innovative, libertarian and egalitarian, and taking into account social interest and social consciousness, and aims to provide students with the necessary qualifications in these respects. It aspires to provide students who will become professionals in law or other fields later in their lives with the knowledge and skills to act with a sense of responsibility and the general principles of justice in their journey.


Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Law aims to be an innovative faculty that follows and applies international standards in scientific research and educational activities, supports lifelong learning, and aims to shape the future by raising lawyers who have high knowledge and reasoning ability in the field of law; who adopt the laws and the basic principles of law as a compass in the execution of their profession; free of thought, free of wisdom, free of conscience.