Objectives and Outcomes

Program Profile (Objective)

The Faculty of Law at Eskişehir Osmangazi University was established with the mission of training legal professionals who are aware of the fundamental and universal principles of law, are committed to professional ethics, and possess the theoretical and practical knowledge required to practice law. Despite being a new law faculty, it aims to become one of the most well-known and preferred faculties in Turkey. Graduates of Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Law:

  • Know and embrace the fundamental and universal principles of law and act in accordance with these principles in their professional lives.
  • Have comprehensive knowledge of Turkish law and a thorough understanding of the legal systems upon which it is based.
  • Possess methodological knowledge on how to apply theoretical legal knowledge to concrete disputes.
  • Stay informed about and provide solutions to current developments in law and social events.
  • Adopt ethical rules in the legal profession and guide their professional lives accordingly.
  • Work for a democratic, secular, and social rule of law, respecting human rights and adhering to the principles of Atatürk's nationalism.

Program Competencies (Learning Outcomes)

  • Ability to understand, analyze, interpret legal issues, engage in discussions, offer opinions and solutions, and relate these processes to real life.
  • Possess reasoning skills in law, be open to collaboration, and have a curiosity for research, enabling them to manage a problem-solving process.
  • Ability to identify applicable legal provisions for disputes, analyze, discuss, and evaluate judicial decisions.
  • Ability to internalize and adhere to ethical rules related to the legal profession.
  • Possess critical and creative thinking skills on legal and social issues, grounded in the rule of law and the ideal of justice.
  • Understand the differences between theoretical and practical aspects of private and public law.
  • Recognize the importance of lifelong learning, analyzing legal, social, and cultural developments at global, national, regional, and local levels.
  • Ability to conduct interdisciplinary research and studies.
  • Be proficient in using information technologies related to the profession to solve legal problems.